Tuesday, July 17, 2012

EXO 30 Day Challenge: 6 Random Pics of Any Members in EXO (Day 23)

Hi guys!! Finally I can online again! Thanks for everyone who still open my blog even I'm not posting again.


Let's start with out unicorn<3

And then our thehun

Our dhuizang

Our eomma <3

Our (tbh he is mine lol) happy virus

And the last is, our kkamjong

Yesterday is #100DaysWithEXO. So, happy #100DaysWithEXO guys! I'm crying when see our boys taking picture as ONE. I will share the picture later. All of them was so so so perfect. I can see HunHan too there! I know Sehun miss his hyungs (especially Luhan) so much.

Next challenge: The hottest picture of your bias. Get ready! ;) my bias is so damn sexyy lol kay.

XO ^^

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